Earth inhabits more than a million known animal species, from whales to butterflies and everything in between. With such variety and diversity in the animal kingdom, it’s no surprise that some animals have wondrous, unusual traits.
Here are 10 bizarre and interesting animal facts you can share with your children and ignite curiosity.
Dolphins Call Each Other by Name
Did you know that dolphins use unique whistles to identify each other and respond when their name is called, just like humans?
Octopuses Have Multiple Hearts and Brains
Imagine having not one but multiple hearts and brains! Octopuses have a central heart to pump blood around the body, two others to pump blood to their gills, and eight mini-brains to control each of their arms. Amazing, right?
Crows Can Read Traffic Lights
Crows living in urban areas have developed a unique skill of using human beings to their advantage. They have learned to crack tough nuts by utilizing traffic lights. They wait until the light turns red to place un-cracked nuts on the road. Then, these intelligent birds wait at traffic light crossings along with human pedestrians and use the next red light signal as an opportunity to retrieve their cracked nuts.
Pigeons Can Do Math
Despite the common belief that pigeons are not intelligent animals, they are actually geniuses and can perform well on basic math tests. In fact, scientists have conducted multiple experiments that demonstrate that pigeons can learn abstract rules about numbers in addition to counting. Therefore, we must not underestimate the cognitive abilities of these birds!
Bats Can Swim
Bats are unique mammals that have several fascinating abilities. They are the only mammals that can fly, and their eyesight is as good as, if not better, than humans. Also, bats are capable swimmers, although it is not a regular behavior. Their swimming movement is often compared to that of little rowboats.
Some Jellyfish Can Live Forever
Turritopsis dohrnii, also known as the “immortal jellyfish,” is a type of jellyfish that can live indefinitely. When faced with death, the jellyfish can turn itself back into a baby by reverting to its juvenile polyp state. During this process, their bodies shrink, tentacles retract, and they sink to the ocean floor to begin their life cycle again. The species is capable of doing this as many times as it desires!
The Blue Whale Can Weigh as Much as 30 Elephants
Did you know that the blue whale remains the largest animal on Earth? These majestic creatures weigh up to 300,000 pounds and are as long as 3 Greyhound buses. It’s incredible to think about the sheer size and power of these magnificent creatures.
Koalas Sleep Up to 22 Hours a Day
Did you know that koalas sleep even more than cats? These adorable creatures sleep an average of 18 to 22 hours a day! This is because their diet is quite energy-intensive and requires a lot of sleep to digest.
Ducks Can Surf
New Zealand and California surfers have observed an interesting phenomenon – ducks surfing! These birds appear to be surfing to catch food or move through the water rapidly. Recently, a sports reporter, Francis Malley, witnessed a female duck and her ducklings catching a wave.
Whales and dolphins Can’t Breathe Underwater
Dolphins and whales, like us, breathe air into their lungs. They come up to the water’s surface to breathe through their blowholes, basically large nostrils.
Interesting, right? Our planet is filled with many such mysteries. If you want to introduce these facts to children and ignite their curiosity, check out “Did You Know?: Facts by Norah” by Norah Carminda Desy, a second grader who has compiled a book of fascinating facts on animals, grammar, and science, specifically for her peers.